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Real Estate CRM Dashboard take your business to a new level

Real Estate CRM eBuildAuto - Dashboard

Real Estate CRM (Customer Relationship Management) eBuildAuto provides well-designed dashboards that offer several essential analytics to streamline various aspects of your business.

Here are some key features of eBuildAuto’s CRM analytics dashboard:

Data Visualization:

Data Visualization in Real Estate CRM eBuildAuto

Your CRM collects a large amount of data. But in order to glean insights from the data, you need to understand the information it provides. That’s why eBuildAuto’s dashboards use attractive charts, graphs, and visual representations to make complex CRM data more understandable.

These visualizations help users quickly grasp trends, patterns, and insights.

Real-Time Insights: The flow of data into your Real Estate CRM Software is continuous and up-to-date. This allows the dashboard to provide analytics on real-time or near-real-time updates on customer interactions, sales, and performance metrics.

This helps businesses make timely decisions and respond to changing conditions.

Data Integration:

Depending on the setup, your CRM can also integrate data from multiple sources, providing a holistic view of customer interactions, sales, marketing, and support activities.

This integration helps in understanding the complete customer journey and can help you identify points of opportunity for actions like upselling, cross-selling, and retention.

Read also: Boost your Productivity by Integrating Your Real Estate CRM with Property Portals


eBuildAuto Real Estate CRM’s dashboards can be customized to display the KPIs and metrics that hold the most value for you.

This allows management, each department, or team to have a tailored view that aligns with set goals and responsibilities.

Performance Monitoring in Real Estate CRM:

Performance Monitoring Real Estate CRM eBuildAuto
One of the key differentiators is the dashboard’s use in measuring performance. eBuildAuto’s dashboards allow Real Estate Businesses to monitor the performance of sales teams, marketing campaigns, customer support, and other functions.

This tracking helps in setting targets and evaluating team performance.


eBuildAuto’s CRM dashboards are user-friendly and designed specifically with real estate businesses in mind. They do not require extensive technical knowledge to be used.

This accessibility allows a broader range of employees to benefit from CRM Software insights.

Data-Driven Decision Making:

Data Driven Decision making in real real estate crm software eBuildAuto

eBuildAuto dashboards are designed to empower decision-makers with data-driven insights, helping them make informed decisions that can improve customer satisfaction, streamline operations, and boost revenue.

Improving ROI with eBuildAuto Real Estate CRM:

eBuildAuto Real Estate CRM Software’s dashboards can highlight new sales opportunities, cross-selling and upselling possibilities, and areas for customer retention efforts. This can lead to increased revenue. It also helps in cost reduction.

By identifying inefficiencies and redundancies in customer-related processes, a CRM analytics dashboard can help reduce operational costs and improve ROI.

Customer Insights:

The CRM provides dashboards that offer usable insights into customer behaviors and preferences. This information can be used for more targeted marketing and personalised customer experiences.

Monitoring customer interactions and feedback, helps businesses respond to issues promptly and enhances customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention.

Competitive Advantage:

Competitive Advantage Real Estate CRM Software eBuildAuto
eBuildAuto Real Estate CRM provides analytics dashboards that can provide a competitive advantage by giving real estate businesses the insights they need to be more agile and responsive to market changes and customer needs.

Compliance and Security:

eBuildAuto Dashboards can help Real Estate businesses manage and ensure data security and compliance with relevant regulations, particularly in industries with strict data protection requirements.

Continuous Improvement:

With access to data and insights provided by the CRM, real estate businesses can continually refine and improve their CRM strategies and processes.

Use Cases

Comparative Analysis

Comparative Analysis Real Estate CRM eBuildAuto
eBuildAuto lets you see metrics on comparative performance, like y-o-y or quarter-on-quarter metrics.

These numbers allow businesses to check their performance and take corrective action as necessary. Data analytics is the key to success in today’s connected data-driven world, and your CRM can be your gateway into this world. Understand how through our article “Leveraging Data Analytics in CRMs to Unearth Valuable Customer Insights”

Goal Tracking & Target Setting

Real estate businesses typically set specific targets and goals, such as topline, collections, sales numbers, site visits, or leads to follow-up, all of which are essential for an effective Management Information System (MIS).

These can be measured and monitored through various CRM-related actions. Our dashboards make it easy to track progress toward those goals. Business stakeholders as well as the teams can measure performance and make decisions to achieve their goals according to the data. For instance, businesses can estimate the average increase in rate they might need to levy in order to achieve a certain target.

Predictive Forecasting

Get a clear picture of future collections on the basis of demand generation, using the predictive forecasting feature. This allows you to gauge the volume of collections at any set point in the future.

Inventory Management

Inventory Dashboard Real Estate CRM eBuildAuto
Nobody wants to hold on to unsold inventory. eBuildAuto CRM’s Availability Chart dashboard shows real estate businesses fundamental details of their inventory, including total, sold and unsold, in terms of square feet or units

Managing Outstanding Amounts

The dashboards help you manage your accounts receivables too, by giving you a clear picture of outstanding amounts for any given period according to customer, team member or project.

Booking & Registration and Ageing

The CRM also provides information on other important metrics such as Booking and Registration

and Ageing of leads. This information gives you a bird’s eye view of your important metrics, allowing you to make effective decisions quickly.
=====================================================================Read also: That’s not all eBuildAuto’s real estate CRM software, can do. In fact there are 10 essential actions that the CRM can complete in under a minute! Read our article “10 things this CRM can do in under a minute” for details

In summary, eBuildAuto CRM analytics dashboard is a valuable tool for real estate businesses to gain insights, track performance, enhance customer relationships, and make data-driven decisions.

It can be a catalyst for growth, cost reduction, and improved customer satisfaction, all of which contribute to a real estate company’s success.

Watch how demand letters are generated within seconds


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